MANIFEST the Big Stuff

Unleashing Abundance with the Power of a Penny

Greg Kuhn

Ready to unlock the secret of manifesting wealth? I promise to guide you through an intriguing journey of discovery used to fine-tune your manifesting skills through the Penny Experiment. This simple but potent experiment works as a catalyst to attract the energy of abundance and unleash the boundless potential of the universe. It's not just about money; it's about embracing the power of a penny and understanding its symbolism as a pathway to greater wealth.

Let's delve deeper into the effortless triumph of manifesting a penny, the essential role of authentic gratitude, and the timeless nature of this practice. I'll share my personal penny experiments and impart tips on finding the perfect place for manifesting pennies. Furthermore, I encourage you to join our thriving Facebook community - a fantastic hub for shared experiences and inspiration, and a place to express gratitude. So, if you're ready to tap into your limitless potential and manifest more deliberately, tune in and let the universe surprise you.

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Greg Kuhn:

Hello and welcome to Manifest the Big Stuff. I'm Greg Kuhn, the Law of Attraction Science guy, as some people call me. I'm a writer, speaker, podcaster, of course, and intentional manifesting coach. I'd like you to think of Manifest the Big Stuff as a check-in or a tune-up for manifestors looking to create their realities more intentionally, just like I am. In each episode, I share ideas, techniques, tips, and they're all designed to inspire you to become a more powerful architect of your reality. I'm excited to be here with you right now because we have one of my very favorite topics today and certainly one of my most popular my penny experiment. Today, we're talking about manifesting more money by manifesting pennies. My penny experiment is featured prominently in Pam Grout's New York Times bestseller E-Cubed, and today I'm going to share exactly how to do it. Then I'll reveal exactly how I celebrate manifesting a penny to unlock and take advantage of its energy of financial abundance. And you don't want to miss it when I leave you with four specific reasons why my penny experiment works so well and is so fun, as well as giving some specific advice about how to manifest a penny. And, of course, we have a studio audience ready to discuss today's topic after we're done recording. If you'd like to be part of the next live podcast and be part of a discussion after the recording, go to my website manifestthebigstuffcom and click on Community. You'll find the latest registration form there and, to be safe, you might wait until the second week of the month to register and to make sure you know about all my podcasts and live events, as well as get exclusive content from me, available nowhere else. Join my Facebook Manifesting Group. It's called Manifest the Big Stuff, with Greg Kuhn: Creating Our Realities Together. The link to this really fun group is in the description of this episode, on whatever platform you're listening to it. Of course, you could also look it up on Facebook. I'd love to have you join our vibrant manifesting community today so we can share even more about intentionally manifesting and engaging with reality and continue to inspire each other.

Greg Kuhn:

Let's start today's episode with a story. I invented my penny experiment in 2007 because I was in desperate need of money. I was facing looming bankruptcy, 15 foreclosures and a whopping $1 million in debt, all due to an ill-advised side business that collapsed. I put I needed money badly, but I didn't have beliefs capable of manifesting it like I really wanted and needed. Positive affirmations had already left me high and dry in the past. Using the belief-raising process, though, that I had recently invented was teaching me that manifesting new versions of reality in any area of my life required something new emotional honesty, not the manufactured feelings of positive affirmations or positive thinking. I needed money much more than I had. That was the truth, and my desperation was as honest as I could be. So how could I possibly start manifesting a better version of reality from there, since my reality and the true feelings it was eliciting were way out of sync with my desires for money? How could I change my energy about money while still speaking the truth about it emotionally? How could I manifest money without manufactured feelings about it, feelings that would not grow my beliefs about money, but rather would be like slapping a photo of a full tank of gas on top of my car's empty gas gauge? Manifesting that question gave birth to my penny experiment.

Greg Kuhn:

My penny experiment taught me how to manifest specific things through what I call authentic reverse engineering, and here's how it works. Begin by consciously manifesting a penny as your first step. Once you have spotted the penny, take it in your hand and hold it tightly Internally, sing the praises of this penny celebrating the energy it represents of financial abundance. It represents that because you have assigned that energy to it, exalt how. This penny serves as a reminder of the quantum field's boundless abundance, unhindered creativity, the effortless simplicity of its creations and its unlimited capacity to collaborate with you, particularly in the realm of money. Simple, right, but this experiment has a profound effect on how you manifest money. Let's break my penny experiment down step by step. Here's a step-by-step guide.

Greg Kuhn:

Number one set your intention. Firm to yourself that you are open to receiving a penny as a symbol of abundance and effortless manifestation. Remember that it's worthless to most people, which often leads them to discard it without a second thought. So it's no stretch to manifest. Number two release attachment. Avoid fixating on manifesting a penny or feeling a desperate need to do it. Instead, approach this manifestation with a sense of curiosity and playfulness. Trust that a penny will naturally reveal itself to you at the perfect time. Number three embrace awareness. Cultivate a heightened sense of awareness as you go about your day. Stay present in the moment and be mindful of your surroundings. Remind yourself that pennies can be discovered virtually anywhere, both indoors and outdoors. Number four the joy of discovery. Relish in the process of finding a penny. Maintain an attitude of joy and curiosity as you navigate through your day. Practice the belief that a penny exists and allow yourself to stumble upon it unexpectedly.

Greg Kuhn:

Number five spotting the penny. When you manifest a penny, notice it with joy. Take a second to acknowledge the penny and recognize it as a manifestation of your desires. Number six embrace the penny. Pick up the penny and hold it tightly in your hand. Feel its weight, texture and substance. Recognize its tangible presence and, most importantly, appreciate what it symbolizes a powerful reminder of your co-creation with the quantum field. Number seven symbolic meaning. Reflect on the energies and symbolism you've associated with the penny. It represents abundance, potential opportunity, infinite creativity and effortless manifestation. Allow these energies to resonate within you and flow through you. And number eight sing the praises Internally. Celebrate the energy that the penny embodies. Express your gratitude and enthusiasm. Let your emotions overflow with excitement and appreciation. Focus not on its monetary value, but on the reminder of boundless abundance and collaboration with the quantum field.

Greg Kuhn:

Let me actually share an example of my expressions of joy as I celebrate manifesting a penny. Take note of my gratitude and affirmations, which have nothing to do with its monetary value, and use my example as inspiration for your own celebration. When I spot a penny, I'm already celebrating as I start to pick it up and I say thank you for reminding me that abundance is child's play. Thank you for reminding me that scarcity is an illusion, one that only exists within my mind. Now, by now, I'm holding the penny in my hand. Abundance is my birthright. I continue. Thank you for reminding me that anything is possible and that the only barriers between me and money are limiting beliefs and insufficient engagement with my life. At any given moment, you and I have the power to manifest anything. Thank you for reminding me of all this. I also have a little song that I sing to myself after I say those gratitude statements, and it goes like this Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Now I just sing that to myself I don't usually sing it out loud and I want to say who am I thanking? The universe, me, the God within me, both of us.

Greg Kuhn:

Now, moving on to number nine, sustaining the energy and this is an important part of this experiment, because it feels great Feel the buzzing energy within you and strive to maintain it for as long as possible. You are genuinely aligned with, and grateful for, money, even if you haven't attained your desired amount. Let this elevated energy align you with abundance, creativity, possibility, ease and success. And number ten continuous alignment. Allow your connection to the quantum field's infinite creativity to flourish throughout your day. Utilize this energy to manifest money and abundance in all its forms. Maintain your alignment and engagement with the energies of manifestation. Number eleven apply to other desires. Recognize that this technique can be applied to any desire. Identify a suitable token or symbol that represents your aspiration. It should be easy to manifest and genuinely celebratable. Use the same process described above, adapting it to the symbolism of your chosen token. The key is to embrace this process with joy, gratitude and a childlike sense of playfulness. Trust in the manifestation process and believe that you have the power to co-create with the quantum field.

Greg Kuhn:

Here's a story about my recent use of my penny experiment. My wife and I just took our entire family on vacation to a house on the beach for a week. During our stay on Tuy B Island, georgia, I had a lot of fun manifesting pennies. I manifested 16 pennies actually, plus a nickel. Over the course of seven days I manifested them in parking lots, stores and shops, and even manifested one on a sandy roadside. Most of my penny manifestations occurred in front of family members, who all know how much I love to manifest pennies, so that was a lot of fun too, and as a bonus, they all got to watch me manifest pennies in real time. In fact, my mom got into the act too, manifesting a dime in the ocean surf of all places. My penny experiment made our vacation more fun, and here are four simple reasons why my penny experiment is so fun and also so simple and easy.

Greg Kuhn:

Number one manifesting a penny is an effortless triumph. Is there anything simpler to manifest than a penny? Keep in mind, of course, that a penny alone won't fulfill your financial desires, so there's absolutely no need to feel pressure when it comes to finding one. It's inconsequential if you glance down and there happens to be no penny in sight. Release any attachment and return to the practice of knowing that you can and will manifest a penny. Attracting something as easily attainable with energetic significance, surpassing its monetary value, perfectly embodies the concept of low hanging fruit. It grants you immediate and genuine success, directly linked to bringing forth more of what you desire. Furthermore, manifesting a penny contributes to the overall effectiveness of your manifestation abilities. Each time you achieve it, your confidence and your capacity to shape reality according to your desires strengthens just a little bit while you amplify your connection to the energy not financial abundance. Manifesting a penny is a little like having easy access to complementary shots of prosperity espresso.

Greg Kuhn:

And number two, the power of authentic gratitude in manifestation. When it comes to manifesting, nothing fuels the process quite like genuine gratitude. Authentic celebration often guarantees the attraction of desired outcomes, because true gratitude arises when you are already in possession of what you seek. This technique is an example of reverse engineering based on those principles. By embracing authentic gratitude and sincere celebration, which you are doing by celebrating what the penny represents, even before manifesting something truly desired, you enhance your opportunity to manifest it immediately, as if you are already living that reality. This assistance is invaluable, particularly in areas of your life where you have experienced disappointment. What a penny represents is truly worth celebrating, as it serves as a reminder of the quantum fields boundless and infinite creativity, abundance, power, collaboration, potential, knowledge and possibilities. You can always genuinely celebrate a penny for embodying these qualities. It is a rational and appropriate demonstration of gratitude directed towards your penny.

Greg Kuhn:

Number three manifesting a penny is a pathway to greater wealth. While this technique may center around pennies, its impact on the energy surrounding money extends to attracting larger sums. Your actions, ideas, attitudes and focus toward drawing money into your life will become more inspired, ultimately leading to the manifestation of far greater wealth than a mere scent, the act of intentionally manifesting a coin holds tremendous power. It serves as a tangible experience that your subconscious mind cannot dismiss, due to its authenticity. Of course, manifesting the amount of money you truly desire necessitates more than just a penny. However, the purpose of this technique is not to accumulate wealth one cent at a time. Instead, it enables you to engage with money and even life in ways that are more inspired and aligned. Through this engagement, penny service catalysts guiding you towards actions, ideas, attitudes and focus that have a greater potential for success in relation to money. And four manifesting a penny is a timeless practice.

Greg Kuhn:

Manifesting a penny is a practice that transcends time and place. It can be done anywhere, at any given moment. The possibility of finding a penny is ever present, making it believable and attainable as a manifestation. Moreover, manifesting a penny serves as an excellent exercise in honing your manifesting abilities. Once you master the art of manifesting a penny, you open the door to manifesting a wide array of other specific desires. Just like with weightlifting, your muscles become stronger through constant repetitions, and manifesting a penny enhances your manifesting muscles. As you become more proficient in this practice, your manifesting muscles grow stronger. The ability to manifest on command requires a strong and unique connection with the quantum field. The skills you develop while manifesting pennies are transferable to manifesting virtually anything else that is similarly attainable.

Greg Kuhn:

The process of manifesting something specific is a personal one. Manifesting an object on command, in this case a penny, involves finding for you where the delicate balance exists between needing to see it and allowing yourself to see it. Manifesting on demand entails navigating that fine line between demanding its presence and allowing its presence to bring you joy. And, as with anything else, practice makes perfect. Now, where is the best place to manifest a penny? The answer, I hope you will agree, is a public fountain, because you already know there will be pennies in a public fountain, thrown in there by people making wishes or seeking good luck. So when you manifest a penny in a public fountain, does that count? Of course it does. It's simply easier there, because you already believe pennies are there, you're still manifesting them. Yes, you will manifest pennies out of the blue. You will find them in unexpected places just at the perfect time, and never overlook the value of circumstances where it's easier for you to believe a penny could be there.

Greg Kuhn:

When you're manifesting something specific, especially something you really want and you haven't been experiencing as you really want, start with low hanging fruit. Start by manifesting images of money and advertisements, if you need to, and look in places where people commonly reach into their pockets and pull things out, like ticket booths, kiosks or cash registers. I mentioned my mom manifested a dime in the ocean surf at Tybee Island. I mean, who would have thought that? Right, that's an amazing manifestation. I manifested three pennies in a Whole Foods self checkout area. Now, who would be surprised by that? Right, we were both playing the penny experiment. I've been known to even pick up pennies from fountains and internally sing and celebrate them, but I put them back after I celebrate when they come out of a fountain.

Greg Kuhn:

I really want to thank you today for sharing your time with us. My intent was to help you make the most of it, and I think you deserve that. I can't think of anything more valuable to share with me than your time. Before we go, as a reminder, please join my Facebook manifesting group today. Each month on my Facebook group, I share exclusive content with you about my life, my manifesting and my engagement with reality, and this content is available nowhere else. I'd love to have you join us today. The link is in the description of this podcast or video, on whatever platform you're listening or watching this episode on. Thank you again for the opportunity to be of value to you. That's something I never take for granted and I always strive to earn so until we get to meet up again, I hope you make the most of your time and I will do my best to do the same.