MANIFEST the Big Stuff

Beyond the Miles: Run into the Quantum Field of Infinite Possibilities!

Greg Kuhn

Ever wished you could unlock the power of your breath to transform your running experience? Get ready to experience just that as we delve deep into the secrets of creating a runner's flow state. We discuss how the right breathing technique and self-reflective questions can open up a direct connection with the quantum field, enhancing your running prowess. Whether you're a seasoned runner or a beginner, or even someone with no intention to run, you'll find these insights invaluable. We also emphasize the need for safety and collaborating with healthcare professionals.

The conversation doesn't stop at running - we also explore how to manifest your desires and overcome life's hurdles. We offer a fresh perspective on how you can use your running time as a window for transformation, helping you process emotions healthily and bring positive changes in your life. This episode is not just a run through the park - it's a journey towards a healthier, happier, and more fulfilled you. Stick with us till the end to experience an uplifting conclusion with gratitude and an invitation to keep manifesting the big stuff in your life. Come join us and let's redefine reality together!

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Greg Kuhn:

Hey there, amazing souls, it's Greg Kuhn, your friendly Law of Attraction Science guy, and welcome back to another electrifying episode of Manifest the Big Stuff. In each episode, I share ideas, tips and techniques. They're all designed to inspire you to become a more powerful architect of your reality. I'm excited to be here with you right now because we're diving into a topic that's not only close to my heart but incredibly transformative running to access flow states and connect with universal consciousness. So, whether you're a seasoned runner or just thinking about lacing up, stick around, because this episode is about to take your reality to a whole new level. I'm going to share exactly how to create flow states as a runner, even if you've never run before, and I'm going to share how to do it without running. Then I'll reveal my most important technique to use your breath correctly and make the most of your flow state, and you definitely don't want to miss it when I present you with a can't miss series of questions to ask yourself that allow you to be taught directly by the quantum field during a flow state. To make sure you know all about my future podcasts, live events and anything else I produce, as well as get exclusive content from me that's available nowhere else. Join my manifesting group today. It's called Manifest the Big Stuff, with Greg Kuhn, creating Our Realities Together. The link to this amazing group is in the description of this episode and, of course, you can also look it up on Facebook. I'd love to have you join our vibrant manifesting community today so that we can share more about intentionally manifesting and engaging with reality and inspire each other.

Greg Kuhn:

Before we sprint into the flow state magic, I want to make something crystal clear Safety always comes first. If you're considering running or any vigorous physical activity, I insist that you do so in full collaboration with your doctor or a qualified healthcare professional. Your well-being is the top priority, I want to let you know. This episode is for experienced runners and novices alike, and even for people who never are going to run. So to all you seasoned runners out there, get ready to take your running experience to new heights as we explore creating flow states, incorporate what you learn into your practice, embrace these instructions as a way to enrich your running journey and manifest your desires. For those of you just starting out, I assure you that this method is completely within your reach. Running for flow states is surprisingly simple, and it has nothing to do with how fast or how far you're going. Whether you're going slow or fast, running short or long, you can induce flow states with ease. So lace up your shoes and, for those of you who never plan to run at all, you too will come away with surprisingly simple action steps to create flow states during any physical activity you choose. I'm going to show you exactly what to do to employ everything I'm about to cover about running without having to run. So stick with me and learn how to do this during a run, and I promise I'll show you how to employ it all when you're not running.

Greg Kuhn:

The essence of this practice lies in discovering what your body can do, rather than what it cannot. Forget about getting better and better over time. Instead, focus on giving your best effort to four simple tasks that will guide you towards flow states. Task number one find your form as a runner. Hold your entire body in proper form, from head to toe. Investigate this and then engage all your muscles in a form that works for you. Engage every single muscle, from your neck to your toes, to keep yourself in this optimal physical position. This is the foundation of running induced flow states.

Greg Kuhn:

Task two give your best effort During your run. Give your best effort in each moment to maintain your form. Use your whole self to do this, your entire body, every muscle, every muscle group doing its job to hold you aloft in space while you run, and using your mind by focusing only on giving your best effort right now, not on the hill you just ran up, not on how far you still have to go. It's not about how far or fast you go. It's about being fully present and engaged in every stride. Task three breathe oxygen or life to pain as it arises. Feel any feelings that arise as you breathe in and out, to breathe deeply all the way to your pain, both physical pain and emotional pain. And when emotions like worry, fear or doubt surface, whether they're related to the run or the rest of your life, process them, let them play out like a movie and then follow them back to their source. Be emotionally honest, without judgment.

Greg Kuhn:

Task 4. Exhale carbon dioxide or suffering from the pain. As you exhale, release stress, anxiety and painful feelings. Empty your lungs completely, as if squeezing the last drop of toothpaste from a tube, and imagine your breath being a fishing net that passes through the physical and emotional pain, catching it in the net and hauling it out with your exhale. Scoop deeply with your inhales and pull up your pain, releasing it to the outside world with your exhales. By mastering these four tasks, you'll experience flow states that lead to a profound connection with universal consciousness. Embrace the flow and watch as your ability to transform reality grows before your eyes.

Greg Kuhn:

Before we get into how to make that happen, let's take a closer look at the transformative power of these four tasks. When you breathe oxygen or life in to your pain, you're not just alleviating discomfort. You're fostering a deeper connection between your mind and your body, allowing you to visit and communicate with the subconscious realm where your beliefs manifest your reality. And when you exhale carbon dioxide or suffering from pain, you're not just letting go of momentary discomfort, you're freeing yourself from the chains of emotional suffering that can hold you back. You're practicing catch and release with your painful feelings. Extending these practices to surrounding muscles is like inviting all the players to the game. Each muscle contributes to the symphony of your run, pushing parts of your body above it up and holding up the parts below it, each muscle working together harmoniously to support your flow state journey. So remember, running isn't just about performance and achievement objectives. It's about being fully present in each moment of your run, evaluating your experience based on what you're doing right now, and giving your best effort without judging how that effort looks in the moment.

Greg Kuhn:

Now let's delve into the power of the subconscious and conscious mind. Your brain uses these two parts to manifest your reality. Your conscious mind influences how you engage with your reality. Be mindful of this engagement, as it can either perpetuate problems and pain or create positive change. Take the time to process your feelings during your run. Running provides a unique opportunity to work out emotions in a non-harmful way. Otherwise, unprocessed feelings may manifest in unhealthy ways, impacting both your physical and mental well-being. Avoid reinforcing the idea of running as a performance with achievement goals. Instead, opt for a more neutral, calm state of mind where you are present in the moment. Be patient with yourself as you address pain, both physical and emotional. Fight each muscle group to support and engage, creating our harmonious flow throughout your body.

Greg Kuhn:

Let's delve even deeper into the transformative power of running induced flow states. Let's look at how these states can help you communicate with the quantum field and uncover solutions to painful life events that are eliciting painful emotions that arise during your run. In flow states. You'll experience a wide range of emotions as you breathe in and out to and from painful parts of your body. These emotions might include worry, regret, fear, shame and doubt. They might have to do with you. They might have to do with the run. They might have to do with life outside the run. Rather than suppressing or ignoring them, we'll use these feelings as a gateway to uncover the beliefs shaping our reality.

Greg Kuhn:

Let's explore three transformative questions that can help you navigate these kinds of emotions and unveil high quality solutions. Question one what must I believe about myself and my life to feel this way? This is not a blaming question. This doesn't mean that you're doing anything wrong at all. This is an actual question, pragmatically and without judgment. You are not blaming yourself for your pain. You are objectively and dispassionately identifying inherited beliefs about yourself and your life that could elicit such painful feelings. This question is your compass, guiding you to the core beliefs influencing these emotions. Question two what would my reality look like for me to know that isn't true about me and my life? A vision of reality where the inherited limiting beliefs you identified in the first question are not true about you and your life? Let your imagination run as wild as you need it to picturing an empowering and transformative reality. Question three how could I create the greatest potential for those things the life I just envisioned to come about in my reality? This is where real magic happens, up in actionable plan.

Greg Kuhn:

Based on your answers to the first two questions, focus on creating realistic and reasonable, yet also measurable outcomes, outcomes that align with the reality you desire. And here's the exciting part you can apply these transformative questions and principles not only to running, but to any activity or aspect of your life. Whether you're pursuing a career goal, working on your relationships or seeking personal growth. These steps can guide you toward creating flow states and connecting with the quantum field. Let's break it down even further.

Greg Kuhn:

First, identify the activity or area of your life where you're experiencing discomfort or negative emotions. It could be related to your career. It could be a relationship, your health or personal development. Now, just like during a run, breathe all the way into that discomfort and allow yourself to feel and process those emotions. Next, ask yourself the three transformative questions what must I believe about myself and this situation to feel this way? Be a non-judgmental detective here. Are you worried you're incapable? Are you worried you're unworthy of what you desire here.

Greg Kuhn:

Dive deep into any inherited beliefs influencing your emotions in this specific area. Then question two what would my reality look like if I knew those beliefs weren't true about me? In this situation, imagine a reality where these limiting beliefs no longer hold you back, where you're free to create the life you desire. And question three how could I create the greatest potential for those things to come about in this area of my life? This is where you formulate an action plan specifically tailored to your situation. You're looking for best practices, great directions and helpful actions that people who are successful in this area of their life utilize and that you can use to create the best possibility to produce the outcomes you truly desire.

Greg Kuhn:

What steps can you take right now to manifest the reality you envision? That's question three. Then, all you have to do next is give your best effort to do them. By applying these principles whether you do it during a run or not to any aspect of your life, you're opening the door to direct communication with the quantum field. Just as running can lead to flow states and a deeper connection with universal consciousness, this approach can help you uncover solutions, transform beliefs and manifest your desired reality in almost any area of your life. So, whether you're hitting the pavement or tackling life's challenges, remember that you have the power to create flow states and tap into the quantum fields wisdom. Embrace these transformative questions as your guides and watch as your reality transforms before your eyes.

Greg Kuhn:

Wraps up today's episode of Manifest the Big Stuff. Thank you for joining me on this incredible journey into the world of flow states and the quantum field. As always, I'm here to inspire, motivate and provide actionable steps for your personal growth and manifestation journey. Thank you so much for the opportunity to be of value to you like that. That's something I never take for granted. I'm always excited about and definitely come with the intention to deliver. Before we sign off, remember to connect with your healthcare professional if you plan to embark on running or any vigorous physical activity routine. Your well-being is paramount. Stay tuned for more enlightening episodes and until next time, keep manifesting the big stuff in your life. This is Greg Kim signing off.